Bring Tropical Beauty to Your Garden with Mandevilla! Turn your backyard into a lush, colorful paradise with our vibrant Mandevilla collection. These easy-care flowering plants are perfect for adding a touch of the tropics to any outdoor space. Mandevillas are sun-loving, heat-tolerant vines that bloom abundantly all summer long with large, funnel-shaped flowers in rich shades of red, pink and white. Let their twining stems climb up trellises, arbors and fences, creating a living tapestry of luxuriant foliage and eye-catching blooms. But Mandevillas aren't just beautiful - they're also low-maintenance! These vigorous growers can reach up to 2 meters in one season without being fussy about soil type. Plus, their flowers are virtually pest and disease-free for season after season of ravishing color.
Wide range of pot sizes from 10.5 cm to unique specimens for collectors.